A game where you are an i, living happily in the letter world, when rips in the fabric of reality appear, and the hostile numbers travel through...

Development log


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Short and simple, I like the premise. With more time I could actually see me play this game. I would suggest changing the colour of the player though to make him out better. It kind of took a second to find him each frame.

When I find the macro command for it(which shouldn't take long) I'll get right on that! Also, it means so much to me that you would play my game for fun.

Loved the idea and would love to see an expanded version of this. Good Job!

An expanded version is already being worked on, don't worry!


That was a very interesting way to tell a story. I could definitely see this being an rpg. Well done.

Well done 👍  this shows that you don’t need great art to tell a story. Love the dark theme. Keep programming  🙃